About Us

I’m Judd Beale the author & creator of BackHelpHQ.com. Throughout the past, I began extensively researching ways to treat & relieve chronic back pain having been a long term sufferer myself, in my case, as a result of living a highly active & strenuous life having had a trade work background.

I started this website to help others learn more about back pain, its causes & the many treatments available to help provide relief from back pain & discomfort & improve your daily life.

Living in pain & discomfort is difficult & debilitating, I know. My intention from own experience & research is to assist others in finding answers & relief in order to improve your overall quality of life & ultimately spread the word on pro-active ways & means to achieving back pain relief.

I aim to provide practical & effective information here on backhelphq.com as well as reviews & recommendations of products that may help & provide benefit.

Much of the techniques discussed & products reviewed I find become used or referred to repeatedly as an ongoing or preventative approach to keeping back pain & discomfort at bay.
The information I provide in this website is intended as guidance only based on my own experience & research. As always, ensure you seek professional help & advice with regards to your own situation, specifically your health & wellness.